Saturday 20 June 2015

Nihiman-M.A. Artine CEO FalconOil Industries

Nihiman-M.A. Artine CEO FalconOil Industries

Okay we are back 
We  want to thank everyone for showing support for this cause and blog.

We shall keep posting more information soon and you'll get the true side of the story .

Till then Keep liking and subscribe! :)

Thursday 18 June 2015

Nihiman-M.A. Artine Speaks Up

The Undeniable Truth

This Site Was created to Bring forth the truth of

Nihiman Moussa Artine

Nihiman-M.A. Artine

Former CEO of falcon Oil

Alot has been posted about the above mentioned man and baseless arguments have been thrown around . 

But the time has come for the truth to come out in the open about a man who is honest and genuine . A man who is known for being benign nature and for putting others needs ahead of his own.

Keep Following for more information and don't Support us BUT Support the Truth.

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